
What Matters Most to God

John 3:16 illiterates in a nutshell the Father’s God’s profound love for the world and his Son’s willingness to sacrifice himself for it: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Verse 17 continues on to emphasies the reason for the son’s sacrifice: For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him.

The Koine Greek world translated above is κόσμον (kosmon). This word does mean world, but it also means universe and human kind. Used here it appears then to illustrate the place of humankind as the object of the salvation act, which was selflessly performed by the son. This is a good thing to remember when in the midst of making important decisions: People matter most.

So if you can’t decide, think about the people involved and what is good for them, sometimes the right decision involves a sacrifice on our part in order to put people first. Its not about putting people before God, its about remembering the reason Jesus came to save us in the first place.

Daniel J. Price

A school leader and founder of Faith With Wisdom, Daniel lives in New Zealand and studied at the Bethlehem Institute, Sydney College of Divinities, and Alphacrucis Australia. He enjoys spending time with family, building models, reading, and outdoor activities, especially walking on the beach.