Where The Stream Meets The Sea, © 2020, DJ Price.

James and Paul: Are They At Odds With Each Other?

Since the Reformation in the 16th Century the teachings of the Apostle Paul and the Elder James have often been portrayed as being at odds with each other. Much time is spent by theologians and New Testament scholars trying to conclude whether there is a real conflict between the writings …

Bright Lights, © 2020, DJ Price.

Beware the Pre-Christmas Sale Season

We are entering one of the most dangerous times of the year for families. Christmas is approaching and unfortunately the reason for the season gets lost as retail marketing ramps up. Christmas is an important holiday, it is the day we mark the birth of Jesus Christ. There is no …

Pray for relief from religious persecution for the underground church around the world.
Pray for the strong establishment of FaithWithWisdom.com.
Pray for the miraculous disappearance of the COVID-19 virus from the Earth.
Trekking Above Queenstown, © 2020, DJ Price.

Reflections On The Passing of Chris Cornell

The list of celebrities that take their life by their own hand seems only to increase. Today we wonder in shock why one of the most memorable singers of our generation would take their own life in the midst of seemingly unstoppable success. The news of Chris Cornell’s death immediately …

Cardboard Cathedral, © 2020, DJ Price.

Our Perception of Reality

“I will rejoice in doing them good, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all my heart and all my soul.” Jeremiah 32:41 (NIV) “Once again, the perception of reality is more important than so-called objective reality in shaping behaviour.” David Fetterman I recently heard both …

Archer's Bridge, © 2019, DJ Price.

Preparing For When He Would Be Gone

“All this I have told you so that you will not fall away.” John 16:1 Here Jesus is referring to his previous teaching of the disciples, specifically to his teaching in the previous chapter in which he prepares his disciples for persecution to come. Jesus knows he will not always …


Forest Scape, © 2017, DJ Price.

Putting Demonic Power in Perspective

“Since, therefore, the children share flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared the same things, so that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by the fear of death” …

Light in the Trees, © 2014, D J Price.

What God Sees

Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring – not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all. As it …

Fisherman On the Roof, © 2020, DJ Price.

Regarding Deliverance

I thought it would be helpful to clarify the difference between the biblical use of the term “deliverance” and the more modern term “deliverance ministry”. These two terms are not interchangeable, and have very different meanings and applications from each other. I will start with the Biblical term because it …


Prophets Stand Firm! – Lana Vawser

Lana prophesies that God is calling his prophets to stand firm in the midst of trial. The Lord knows you are under attack, and His voice is about to thunder through you! Click here to read Lana’s prophecy on her ministry website …

The Prophets are Rising – Jennifer Martin

With revival in the wind, the Lord is sending his prophets to encourage a generation of believers to take their stand for God. Click here to read Jennifer’s prophecy on her organisational website …

Joining the Micro-movement Blaze

An encouraging word for the future with specific advice on simple steps we can take to walk into it. It is the simple but courageous steps like those laid out here by Nate in his prophecy that are starting the micro-movement blaze which will sweep the globe fanned by eagles …

Beware the Pre-Christmas Sale Season

We are entering one of the most dangerous times of the year for families. Christmas is approaching and unfortunately the reason for the season gets lost as retail marketing ramps up. Christmas is an important holiday, it is the day we mark the birth of Jesus Christ. There is no …

The Cure is More Than Just A Vaccine

Lots of money and effort is being spent on trying to find a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus. A vaccine would certainly be beneficial and physically save lives. The vaccine alone though is not the cure for the crises we face both now and on the road ahead. Crises of …

A New Name and a New Destiny – Julie Smith

This prophecy from Julie Smith is a must read. God is bringing hope to the darkest areas of the world. Click here to read it on The Elijah List website …

